Take the quiz to find out how well protected your assets really are: "*" indicates required fields How confident are you that your hard-won personal wealth is safe from company director responsibilities including tax, or risks like an uninsured claim against you for negligence, loss, or damages? Very confident Somewhat confident Unsure Nervous Risk it for the biscuit Are you now, or could you become, the sole director of a company? Yes No Are you aware of the catastrophic impact your incapacity could cause on your company and do you have measures in place to avoid them, if you die or were incapacitated? Yes No Is your home deliberately owned by your “non-working spouse”, in an attempt to protect it against litigation? Yes No Then guess what…..bad news! The recent Bosanac case, won by the ATO, blows apart that expected protection.Would you be interested to learn of an innovative and inexpensive protection restructure from potential litigation, or even a possible future claim from a trustee in bankruptcy? Yes No (Our methods are tried, tested, and proven in the courts by the rich and connected!)Have you ever seen a disturbing outcome resulting from lack of legal preparation after a death in the family? Yes No Are you confident that in the event of your passing, your estate plans would prevent financial and legal chaos for your family? Yes No Do you know for sure that those persons included in your Superannuation Death Benefit nomination, lodged with the trustee of your super fund, are legally eligible to receive these benefits?…..AND the rate of tax they will be required to pay on a super death benefit distribution? Yes No Do you know what difference it can make to the inheritance for your children, if you die before your spouse? Yes No How important is it for you, that your family wealth is protected for generations for the benefit of ONLY your spouse and your bloodline? I’m not overly concerned who gets what’s left – I’ll be gone. I hope my treasured possessions and life-savings in my Estate will be exclusively available to my spouse and my bloodline. Over my dead body! I’ll do whatever I can now to ensure my hard-earned wealth is not wasted on undeserving or ungrateful lay-abouts….not to mention stepchildren, my potential children’s ex-partners, or any other mongrel predators! Are you the Appointor of a family trust? Yes No Have you made arrangements for who controls the trust after you’re gone? Yes No How well prepared is your current Estate Plan? I have appointed an Attorney and my Will provides an option for the flexibility and protection offered by a testamentary trust for all my primary beneficiaries. I don’t know anything about testamentary trusts? Should I? I don’t actually have an up-to-date will! As you were reading through this list, how did you feel – have you got some loose ends? Would you feel more confident knowing these issues were suitably dealt with? Yes No When do you plan to act on these issues? Immediately Within 3 months Within a year Not a priority Please nail down a time with me to MAKE it happen! Name* Email*