Protecting your family wealth – How and Why

Protecting your family wealth for your happy retirement and your chosen beneficiaries.

Join us in person at our next event where SAPEPAA accredited and Board-Certified John Gowing (Director and founder of EPI-Centre) will provide you with the information you need to plan for the for the protection of your current wealth and how to secure your legacy for your bloodline.

You have spent hard years building value in your farm and livestock –your life’s work and ultimately your legacy.

But is your property, your livestock and machinery and your off-farm assets safe from the uninsurable risks of creditors, predators, damages, defamation, death, or divorce in the next
generation? And the EPI-Centre considered prediction of reintroduced gift and death duties soon after the next Federal election?

Are these risks fully understood or managed? Who could you ask? Who could you trust?

Our next event date is to be confirmed. Register your interest today by contacting our office to be notified of the date.